Life Update: Am I Back in the Blogging Game?

So its been a hella long time since my last post… My last post, almost 9 whole months ago, and a post for SS18, seems like a life time ago and I’ve really missed writing and creating content- but since I last posted here I’ve had some big life changes!

I think we need a little catch up…

The Exit…

I left my retail job!  I spent 18 months of my life at Topshop after leaving school and whilst studying Digital Marketing. I made some amazing friends and everyone was like family so leaving there was a massive step for me! I miss them all like crazy! But I left with the good intentions of gaining digital marketing experience, and I had only planned to be there for around a year anyway whilst studying. And that brings me onto my next update…

The Career Progression…

I got a new job! I now work for a company called ENID London, which is basically a directors agency, meaning we rep talent (directors etc) and get them into advertising jobs. (Feel free to look us up: 😉 ).  My job role is basically doing a tonne of creative work, managing the social media and marketing, and of course the admin tasks that come with every job! The best part is its literally a walk away from me (getting that daily cardio in 😉 )!

The Trip of a Lifetime…

So the most exciting news, and the main reason I really want to get back into blogging is… IM GOING TO NEW YORK!!!! So this September me and my boyfriend (@sammyc1b) will be jetting off to the Big Apple for a whole 5 days. A 20th Birthday/ 2 Year/ Valentine’s present from my boyfriend (he is the best!); the trip will be my first time to the states and also my first long haul flight! I’m so excited for just flight let alone the holiday itself – anyone that knows me, knows I love travelling, especially flying, so this is a dream come true for me. I’ve also really wanted to go to New York since forever. The countdown has been happening since 250 days, and now its only 20 something to go, feel sorry for everyone I know haha! I’ve packed, we’ve planned everything we’re going to do,  and so now all thats left to do is not forget my passport!


Look out for some exciting content coming for way in September, but before then I really want to carry on the with trend posts, and hopefully get a regular posting schedule sorted! Lemme know what sorts of posts you’d like to see and don’t forget to give my Instagram (@bemble_bear) some love- where I do regularly post and you can catch up on my recent visit to Chester Zoo!

Love you all!


Bembles xx



*Image taken by Sam*



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